17. Sophie to Martin, October 18, 1889 Campbell Hill Ocober 18 1889 Dear Martin I arrived here the in Camp= bellhill twenty minuts before 5 twelve and in the night and there was nobody at the I depo but there was a man with me. that he went got an the tl train With me in St. Lou 10 is & wen we got to Campbell Hill Everthing was dark g but the mi= ll was a going and then we went there & the miller send us to Mr. Dutenbusle and then couldent 15 keep me so they send us to a nother place and they dident wa= ke up then we back to the mill g again then the miller too me to his [Pg. 2] house and then I stade there over 20 night and this morning the miller took ed for a team so that I could ride out to so the first on that was Mr. Swear, Max was there to and Mr. Swere tolt him that I was w there but he wou= 25 dend bleve it he told Mr. Sawear that he was a lier then Max went to the post office and tharr he just got the dispatch what Fritz send away wen I started aw 30 Well I must you about Little hortensie she got barigd yesterday 10 o clock the depo agant d dident sen out the dis patch a out if they knew that I was coming they would kept her 35 a day longer Teona is feating prety good to day she isent in bed she was to the neighbors to hartmanns & I here they lived when me and max com home she dident say nothing else but if we knew this we would kept = 40 I her till to day. Mr and Mrs Swear come here this after noon Mrs. Swere said [Pg. 3] if h there was some body in Campbell hill that took pictures then they would w have had ther little Hortensies pictures 45 taken yet while she was there ded Well I am glad that Teona is fealing Well g again to day she was pretty sck sick yesterday & daybefor they all thought she would take sick too, but she just 50 was e sick l from Weaping and fealing bad yes Max and Teona con can le eat good Teona cant eat as good as before but Max cam can eat like a sk trasher and his feat is pretty near thin again 55 and he looks pretty l good Teona looks the same as she alwais did Max is going to write to Father I must close now Sunday is s surch and after church 60 we are going to Bearman Max Barid Hortense him sef self I will write again after Sunday Sophia Now we are going to bed