28. May to Theona, May 27, 1917 [Envelope:] Mrs. Theona End Madison Wisconsin Donald Cass Route 6 Elmore May 27th 1917 Dear Sister Theona Am wondering what you think of me anyway, (the same old joke) 5 I suppose. We received your letters and card am. glad you have things so nice for this summer. We are all well as usual Aunt Rose especialy, she gets along fine now, she was down to Georgia’s and stayed ten days, now 10 she wants to go over to Lucy Haver’s and stay a few days and then to Blue Earth. and all around. I just finished house cleaning yesterday it seems I was a long time at it, but it was 15 slow work alone, with the other work too I have the chickens all hatched have 190 they are all doing fine in spite so much cold weather, yesterday it rained all day We have only had two real warm days this 20 month, and a terrible thunder storm with it. This week I have to work in the garden again our garden all came up, even the sweet corn and cucumbers, after it had been in the ground [Pg. 2] 25 four or five weeks. Old Nellie had a nice little colt born on Leney’s birthday, it's a sorrel with two white hind feet and a white strip in the face, it is a nice big colt and full of mischief. 30 Charley has’ent had time to see about Minnie’s farm yet, he will have to have a discriptson of the land first. We had an offer of $10,000 for our place last week, at first we had a notion to take it but 35 we would have to give possession in thirty days now we want $300 an acre, I have a feeling that Walter will be home this week, then Pa will go up to Grantsburg and look it over 40 Elmer answered my letter right away. They are getting along fine, but lots of work they probably have their place sold by this time and they sold all their chickens they are not going to keep any more as long as feed is so high 45 and sold their piano too They settled up stairs in the depot but Elmer had to keep watch of Marjorie all the time so now they found a house and moved again [Pg. 3] where they have a big garden 50 Elmer has had hard work since going to Pe Ell he went there the 23rd of Jan. and have just got the books straightend up by the first of May, but now he will have it easier and will have a man to help. Nothing has happened up to Nettie’s yet little Leah 55 has been very sick the doctor up there wants her tonsils removed. I believe you wanted Barbara’s address 129 S – Broad St. Mankato Minn And Walters address is Meriden Conn. Box 555 60 Walter is afraid he will be drafted. dear me I wish that terrible war would end, but I suppose we will all have to make the best of it, and stand it, one like the other There has been lots of things going on but I have’t 65 went to any thing, only to church, only Friday to the Cemetary Society, Aunt Rose went too. Mrs. Sohn is busy as ever she had ducks & geese hatching now. 6. yrs last Sunday we were over to Mr. Geiglers to Freida’s confermation they 70 had about 60 people to dinner with you could have been there too, Georgia & Mrs Duesnell have just come [Pg. 4] P.S. Monday This has been the finest wash day we have 75 had this year. Mr. Butterworth came on the noon train. Aunt Rose is going over to Lucy’s to night Charley and I went to the Baccalaureate sermon last night Mr Morse gave a fine address 80 Hope this will find you well, and I want to thank you for all you did for me for I certainly appreciate it, With best wishes and love from us all. from Charley & May