29. Minnie to Aunt Theona, Oct 28, 1917 Schuyler Nebr. Oct, 28-17 Dear Aunt Theona your letter of Oct 1st most gladly recc’d and read with pleasure. I am here 5 to tell you that my proposition is still open to you-altho we have the promise of a cook to come on the job next Thrus. A.M. but don’t think when I say that- that you are with out a situation if you want it. You can 10 step right in and take a hold as second maid – since Luella was so “highly in sul- teered.” At any rate we want you to come out and spend the winter with us if you 15 don’t want to except the job. I’m very sorry to hear that you were called to Minn. so suddenly on such a sad mission but – such things present them selves to both rich and poor alike, we have 20 no choice in the matter- This may not find you in Madison yet to which place I am sending it but the girls will either keep it for you or send it as they see fit. as I 25 don’t know your address. [Pg. 2] I told Mrs Fuller what you wrote and she was willing to wait for you until you could come if you’d only come then, and she said she’d guarantee you $4000 per She didn’t blame you for not wanting to pick up and break up the camp to coming away right away. She was perfectly 30 satisfied to take a chance on your cooking. theirs is very plain too Mr. F can’t have such fancy cooking. and if it is on the table he thinks he must have it. consequently just plain foods. I’m sure you can fill the bill. I was with her to day to see another widowed lady, who was promised to come Thurs, and give it a trial. she may 35 have cold feet by the time you get here then you can give it a trial of if she likes it and you’d just as soon you can take second work. then we’ll have a bunch that will jibe better then having some of those 18 to 20 yr. old children mixed in it. I sincerely hope your trip to Minn. won’t stop you from 40 coming out here any way we will be so glad to have you. We have had our first wintery day here to-day. my clothes froze stiff hanging them out. and the dust blew a gale wind about 55 per hour. We have cleaned house butt it don’t do much good as its so dry here- It hasn’t rained any here since the Aug 16th to speak of [Pg. 3] 45 and with a high wind in this sand it makes it very interesting. I hope to here soon that you are about ready with Aunt Tense or Olive (or both-) we’d like to have 50 them all come but I know that won’t do because Aunt Tense would “Get afraid” and meet herself going back home before she got farely started- So perhaps its wise to leave 55 some one at home- if she comes with you- we will be pleased to see any or all of you-so come when you can. With love to you from 60 Mama and I I am your well wishe{r} Minnie