30. Barbara to Theona End, April 18, 1918 Envelope: Mrs. Theona End Verona, Wis R. F. P #3 Elmore, Minnesota Thursday eve. Dear Aunt Theona & all: I have been going to write to 5 you for some time, but never seem to get around to it. I have so many letters waiting to be answered. Ioah and I were to Minneapolis last week visiting Nettie, we had a nice visit, 10 & papa & Mr. Butterworth got along nicely while I was gone. Mr. But- terworth left today, I guess he in- tends to be gone all summer, so papa & I are here alone now. We rec’d 15 a letter from Walter stating that he has enlisted in the Merchant Marine Corp, so he won’t be home this summer. It seems strange not to plan on his coming home for 20 vacation. We have been having a strong nasty wind for the past few days, & yesterday it started to rain [Pg. 2] about noon, but luckily my washing 25 had already dried, so I brot the clothes in and ironed them all the same day. Today I baked two kinds of bread, oat-meal & white.-had fine luck with both. 30 We like the oat meal bread so well, and it takes so little time to make it. We have 10 hens sitting, four to come off next week. Papa sent 35 Aunt Mable the eggs she wanted while I was gone. He says that I should tell you we have a Red Cross hen in our flock now, so maybe there will be a few “off-chickens”- Our 40 hens have done splendid. We found over a hundred several times- now, of course they are setting and we don’t get so many eggs,- I got 60 tonite. I want to put in some 45 garden soon, and finish cleaning up the yard. _ This wind scattered [Pg. 3] everything again. Mrs. Sohn comes over every day. & I am giving Rosie music lessons. 50 The Sohn’s send their best regards. I rec’d a letter from Ruth, after she rec’d that yoke I made for her, saying that the yoke was much too large, and can’t possibly use it. 55 It doesn’t seem possible, as it fit me all right. I suppose you folks are all busy with the spring work as every one else. Papa has started plowing. 60 and is testing his seed corn. I wonder if you know that Nettie has moved. Yes, that park bought out all those lots where they lived. so they are living at 2628 Ulyssus St. now 65 Well, I shall have to cut all my letters short tonight, so as to git them all written. Hoping this finds you all well. I close with best regards from us both. 70 Barbara