32. Barbara to Theona End, February 2, 1919 Elmore, Minn- Feb 2, 1919 My dear Aunt Theona: - No doubt you 5 will be surprised to hear from me- have been going to write you for so long but never seem to get at it. 10 I suppose you have been having the same kind of weather as we have. Nice warm spring like days and 15 no snow whatever. Even Walter writes of the [Pg. 2] same weather out there in Conn., while Ruth writes of the terrible rains they are 20 having. Says their town is like a lake. So guess Minn. is best after all. Next in interest is the “Flu”?- Ian’t it terrible the sorrow and 25 despair it is causing all over our country. Thus far, Father and I have escaped it, but suppose our turn is coming. No we haven’t been inoculated. 30 We have just been lucky enough not to take it, for we both have been exposed. It seems to be dieing out around here now. Hope it 35 won’t reappear again. Elmer & Marjorie both were real sick with it, but a letter from there last week reports them all well again. 40 I suppose you folks are all thru with but chering. We still have ours to do. Have been waiting for colder weather. It has been [Pg. 3] 45 raining & freezing here all day. and from the sound of it, it is still raining. So don’t suppose we can go at it yet 50 tomorrow. I dread my job so. I want to get it over with. My hens aren’t doing a bit well this winter. 55 got 21 eggs tonite, and they just started to lay. Eggs were 50¢ here last week. Uncle June and Aunt 60 Eliza were here making us a short visit a short time ago. Am enclosing a draft for your interest 65 money from Mr. Reece- and papa says to tell you that your time deposit in the bank [Pg. 4] here is just about due. What do you 70 want done with it?- Do you want it left in another year or shall we send it to you? Let us know soon. 75 We rec’d the papers you sent relative the bank robbery. We saw it in our paper the following day 80 after it happened. That surely was awful. Did you folks lose anything thru it? [Pg. 5] How is Uncle Fritz getting 85 along. Haven’t heard from him for some time. And did. Uncle Frank’s folks all have the Flu?- Give them all our kindest regards when 90 you see them. We would like to see all of you folks. Don’t suppose I would hardly know the youngsters there. They are 95 all growing so fast- I suppose they are all going to school every day. Well, I must close as I have several letters to 100 write tonite. Hoping this finds you all well. and with best regards to you all. I remain- 105 Your niece- Barbara Sohn’s have sold their place – and are moving off the 1st of March. We 110 hate to see them leave.