33. Barbara to Theona End, March 11, 1919 Elmore, Minn Sunday eve 7:30 Dear Aunt Theona & all:- Rec’d your letter in 5 due time. and was glad to hear from you so promptly, and that you arrived home safe. Papa rec’d the sausage 10 in fine shape.- & says to thank Eldon very much for it. – Mr. Butter worth & papa think it is fine. Was surprised to see Mr. 15 Butterworth arrive the day you left, he has been with us ever since. and of course. is company for us, and naturally 20 keeps me busy cooking We are eating the smoked hams now. they are fine. [Pg. 2] I washed my big washing last Thursday, - got it all 25 dry in fine shape,- Elmore had planned on a big Red Cross sale. for last Saturday – but when Saturday come it was raining that morning, by noon 30 it had turned to sleet & snow & hail, - and thundered & lightnened. and by evening we were having a genuine blizzard. – and so of course 35 the sale was post poned – The sun shone today, but it was cold, and didnt thaw much. Funny weather we are having. Yes, our hens are 40 still gaining, we never get below 50, - about an average of 55 per day, - but they are only 25¢ now, - I have about 30 dozen to sell. Sohn’s hens 45 are slacking up, - so they don’t get “more as that” any more, - Mrs. Sohn sends her best regards to you. she has finished that pair of socks, 50 and is going to start another pair, if I’ll do the purling. Aunt Georgia had finished her tenth pair. We had a little bad luck 55 Thursday morning – our old Nell took sick and lost her colt. So we won’t have a new coltie this spring – We have another new calf tho [Pg. 3] 60 Aunt Rose was up to Teona’s a few days last week, and now she has gone to Fair- mont to live with Nan, I wonder how long it will 65 last. We rec’d a letter from Walter, saying that when that box arrived. it had been broken into, and the good meat all 70 gone, and part of the flute, what was left of the flute was badly damaged. It just made me sick when I read it. – We put in a $50.00 claim for it. Hope 75 we get it, I also rec’d a letter from Mr. Willard at Heron Lake, asking me to please come back and work for him again He 80 isn’t satisfied with his new girl. Well, I must close and write to Walter.- Hoping you are all well,- best regards to all,- 85 from all Barbara