10. Henry Krueger to Alexander Krueger, February 25, 1887 [3] HENRY KRUEGER TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, FEBRUARY 25, 1887 Slides 175 - 177. Whitewater, Wis., Feb. 25, 1887 Dear Alex, I just had a 5 sleighride and a very good one too. Sleighing is very good here in the city and I tell you it is nice 10 to go sleighriding in the evening as I have done to-night. I wasn't all alone when I took my sleigh- 15 ride to-night. The little boys here in school have a good deal of sport riding down hill. 20 Our school is on a steep hill, and the boys start on top and go down like lightning. for about as far as 25 from your house to grandpa's house; and on their way they have to cross a fence. The three lower boards 30 are {kracked} off, and the upper board is left on; and the little boys say it is "just heaps of fun" to go 35 under that board and see how high you can put your head without running your head against 40 it. Some of the boys have snow-shoes on which they slide down. If you hav'n't got any 45 snow-shoes yet, you must make yourself some for the{r}e the can be got out of it a great deal of fun. 50 How are you getting along in school? I hope you are having a go time in school. {I} suppose Sarah is 55 getting the prizes always yet, and you are always spelled down “dat mann imma so wigt" 60 I am in the same condition that you are in, they are always spelling me down “dat imma so rocht un dampt" 65 Now it is nine o'clock, and I have to hitch up the horse and get Miss Cook home, she went 70 to a party. To-morrow is Saturday, and then I have to split some wood. I have to stop; and 75 I hope to hear from you soon again. I received your letter, + also the pretty valen— tine. 80 Have you received many this year? Your uncle, Henry Krueger.