15. August Krueger to Alexander Krueger, February 13, 1891 [7] AUGUST KRUEGER TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, FEBRUARY 13, 1891 Slides 192 - 193. Juneau Wis Feb. 13-91 My dear Alex I am well yet the 5 night before last I staid at Buelkes and last night I staid at Grandfathers there have bin 3 caces tried one beteen father 10 and Son and the other was a railroad case and yesterday a case between two Newspaper Editors I am on this 15 last case we {have} set yesterday in the and to day we h{a}lfto go agin. I think to day we will git backt up 20 Inclosed I send you the the postel card from the Hustisford Ins. Co. you better go and pay the Insurence 25 $4.40 about my coming I cant say anything I wil write agin to morrow, If the roads are good you may try 30 if you can and git a load of wood in the forenoon so that Edd will have some work next week for I will not git him this 35 week so thay say. my best regards to you all Your father August Krueger 40 You can come to Watertown in the after. if you are ther at 4 you have (vertically up the side, SML) time to pay the insurece