30. Alexander Krueger to August Krueger, November 24, 1893 [21] ALEXANDER KRUEGER TO AUGUST KRUEGER, NOVEMBER 24, 1893 Slides 221 - 222. Madison, Wis. 1893. November 24. My dear parants and sister I and Willie 5 arrived here in Madison allright we got here at 10.30. it was snowing yit as we got here but afternoon it stoped we had our dinner in 10 the depot and at 12 o’clock we started to look at the city so we looked around till 2 o’clock and then we went into the capitol looked 15 over all the rooms and chambers and then went into the art gallary thene. we stayed in about two hours I would have 20 stayed longer in the art gallary but Willie got tired of it I regestered in the gallary but Willie would not do it he seems 25 though if he dont care much for art and old relics. I liked the city very much now it is about half past four and we are in the depot 30 and I am writing Willie is reading the paper, the train leaves at 6.35 for Cresco we got our parcels checked in the depot 35 The folks are all going with sleds here. Best regards. From Alexander.