32. Fred Volkmann to August Krueger, December 1, 1893 [23] FRED VOLKMANN TO AUGUST KRUEGER, DECEMBER 1, 1893 Slide 228. I wrote right away when your letter come 5 write soon. December 1-1893 Chicag Ill Dear uncle August we recei ved your letter this morning at 10 9 oclock and wanto know that he had an opration on him they did not oprate him yet he is very sick with the lung feaver the doctors said that he can die any hour or 15 minnute momma and Alas Goetsch is staying whith him right a long. the hofto hold ice on his head such a heat he has got he is sitting up in bed all the time for the pains 20 the gave him something for to sleep But it did not help him anything a tall. I am going to school every day i am in 5 reader and also going to evening School grandpa send us 25 5 chickens for thanksgiving last year we had turkey from Alex. I hope you all had a very nice thanksgiving we are well so far and hope you are the same. my best re{c}ards to you all 30 T.V.C.I. Mr Fred Volkmann Chicago Ill. 399 Southport and Wrightwood Ave