40. Fred Volkmann to Alexander Krueger, March 20, 1894 [31] FRED VOLKMANN TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, MARCH 20, 1894 Slides 244 - 246. Chicago March 20 / 94 Dear cousin Alex I must sit down and write you a few lines that we got home alright 5 the train conductor diden't charge me any bor{d} in the train I dident see you in Wotertown we dident stay long anough to see 10 every body I went to see Willie buelke in Juneau and Albert and Earnst Uncle Albert let us have his rifle and we whent in 15 woods to shoot birds it was a windy birds day and we only got two birds I stay over night with Willie Buelke till the next 20 morning I took the 10 oclock train and mamma met me in the train and we went right to Chicago we didint 25 hofto change cars a tole I herd you was in Iowo {city} how did you like I hope you catched quite pile of robits I seen 30 a picture by willie Buelke were you and Willie Buelke was and Willam Goetsch with about a dozen robits 35 on the picture there must be good hunting in Iowa that you shoot so many robits in the summer I will 40 come to Wotertown again and visit you all I will Bring a rifle with me I then we will see 45 if we can shoot anything in wotertown I'd like to move to Wotertown all to gother but mother dont want{o} 50 I dont care for chicago any more It is to dirty and smokey and isen't healthy fore one I diden't grow a bit in 55 Chicago yet I think I grow better on a farm so you must write my mother a good letter and beg her to come to 60 Wisconsin When I was in wotertown I tought to myself Ibe better for me were all my cousins and 65 friends are I must stop write and feed the cows best regards you all Fred Volkmann 397 Southport Chicago Write as soon 70 as you have time back to me how are you getting along 75 an the farm now I suppose y have everthing fixed up nice next summer 80 I will come and see you all in Wotertown Write soon F.V.