41. Louis Will to Alexander Krueger, April 15, 1894 [32] LOUIS WILL TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, APRIL 15, 1894 Slides 248 - 249. Milwaukee April 15, 1894 My dear Friend I must write you a few lines wich I ought 5 to have done long ago. I am well yet and hope that you are the same. I tell you I had quite a time to find a job untill finally I got my 10 old job again. For it is very hard to find a job here for manny men go shoveling here for less than a dollar a day. I started to work April the 9th 15 and thursday I was out to Watertown we had a little to do out there. we got through with our work about 11 o'clock and so I had to spend the rest 20 of my time till five o'clock down town. So I went to see our Friend Eddie he told me that Fred Muster was dead and that it was about out with Bella 25 and Severn and I suppose the same with Minnie and Thurow. I also met Emil Po{n}tz and we had a couple of games of pool. He told me that he 30 had a job so about half and half for a man living in Sussex I suppose you are about done with sowing. Tomorrow we are going to 35 stake out a track where there is about from one to two feet of water were we will be wearing hipboots. Our office is down at Merrill Park station but 40 the first of May we are going to move into Union Depot. George is just gone over to get apint of beer for dinner is ready and I wont to go down town 45 this afternoon this will be all for this time hoping to hear from you soon. I remain as ever Your Friend Louis 50 My address is Louis Will 493-14 Ave Milwaukee Wis