52. H. Bigalk to Alexander Krueger, October 15, 1896 [42] H. BIGALK TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, OCTOBER 15, 1896 Slides 266 - 267. Florenceville Ia. Oct. 15. 1896 Dear Cousin Alex I thought I 5 would write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope you are the same. I am going to school every 10 day. I am in the second reader. I am learning hard to be a Professer. Those doves you gave me are alive yet. They laid two 15 eggs and they were rotten I got one dog. I call him Fido. I got four cats. I call one Pussy and one Mollie one susen one 20 T-o-m I got two little calves one is a bull. The other is a cow. My sisters are getting along well one is as fat as butter. 25 the other is a runner. I got a dandy new suit I look like a dude. My pa is gone thrashing every day. Uncle Otto 30 is painting his house. I must stop now fore it is late already. right soon Best regards 35 to all your cousin Henry Bigalk