47. Alexander Krueger to August Krueger, January 14, 1897 [47] ALEXANDER KRUEGER TO AUGUST KRUEGER, JANUARY 14, 1897 Slides 287 - 288. 1220 University Av. Jan-14-1897 Madison, Wis. Dear Parants I received your 5 letter to-day and Sarah's last Monday. I am well with more work then I can do. To-morrow we will have two examinations one by Prof. Henry + one by Prof. King. The last examination we had by Prof. Henry I 10 only got 70 for my standing. Many of the boys did not pass at all and those that got 60 are all right. 60 is the lowest standing The highest got by Prof. Henry was 90 by a fellor by the name of Schuknecht. I got 15 74 in judgeing Light Horses. This week Tuesday we finished judgeing Draft Horses but I did not get my standing yet Yesterday we started with sheep. The old shepard showed us how to throw a sheep 20 and how to milk them and how to feel over them for judgeing them. I am very well aquinted with the shepard. My best friend Gust Koch rented his room from Mr. Kleinh{e}tz the shepard. I was over to his 25 place a number of times and had a talk with him. This Mr. Koch is from Illinois He is a minister's son Evangelisch. He is 22 years old a very nice boy. We two are always togather Today I and Gust were in the machine shops 30 and made some hooks for a singlethree hooks for the tugs to hook in. One I spoiled so I had to make another one. The bad one I took home it is all right it only has not got the right shape. 35 Some of the boys droped some studies they could not study all. Some dropped shop work. I would not let that go because it is a change and not studying all the time. I only wish Herman Bentert and some of my smart friends 40 would be foolish enough and go to school here they would find out what education means. I thought I knew quite a little before I come but I am getting Dummer right along. Some boys have dropped Physic's they 45 did not know enough. I am satisfied if I get 70 for my standing or even less. Here are many boys that are high school graduates and Rest of letter missing.