59. Alexander Krueger to August Krueger, January 25, 1897 [49] ALEXANDER KRUEGER TO AUGUST KRUEGER, JANUARY 25, 1897 Slides 292 - 293. 1220 University Av. Jan. 25 1897 Madison, Wis. Dear Parants I received your 5 letter Sunday and also the money order. It is very cold here. Sunday morning it was 18 degrees below zero + this morning 23 below zero. It has been pretty cold in my room the windows face west and the wind was 10 also west. The water for washing and my ink were frooze solid this morning I had to use a stick of wood to break the ice in the water pitcher This morning some boys had their noses and ears frozen while going from 15 South Hall to Agri. Hall. Sunday forenoon I was to the Unitarian church and Sunday-night I and Gust Koch were to the Evengical church. Sunday night we took the street car for it was to cold to walk. 20 The church is on the other side of the capitol Last Thursday I had some company in school Hattie Goetsch, Reynhold Tielo from Milwaukee Lake Mills. Miss + Mr. Smith some of Hatties friends. They came to see me just when I was 25 dressed in my blue jacket and dissolving some blue vitoral over a gas flame in a dipper for a Bourdeaux mixture. I asked the Prof. to excuse me and I showed them all over the Agricultur Hall and Dairy building. We did 30 not go to the stock farm Saturday on account of the snowing. We all went down to the depot with our dinner in paper as we got there Stevenson did not want to go, so 18 of us boys made up our mind to have some fun so we took a 5 mile walk south of Madison 35 to the State Fish Hatchery. It was worth seeing how fish hatch. We ate our dinner in the fish building. They have one building where fish are in glass boxes just as at the Worlds Fair. I tell you I was pretty tired when I c{o}me home 10 miles walk, coming home we had to go 40 against a snowstorm. We had all the exercise we wanted that day. Last week we had examination in Veternairy Science I got my standing this morning 93% out of 100%. From Prof. Henry we havent got yet. On draft horses I got 81 3/4 on book-keeping I got one time 90 one time 80 and once only 55 It is one of my hardest studys 45 This last time we got Dairy Lectures by Dr. Babcock twice a week I{n} that Habbeger is picked out of factory business I got a letter from Prof. H. Krueger Friday. Best love to all answer soon A. Krueger. Blue vitriol; known as copper(II) sulfate today.