61. Alexander Krueger to August Krueger, February 19, 1897 [51] ALEXANDER KRUEGER TO AUGUST KRUEGER, FEBRUARY 19, 1897 Slides 297 - 298. 1220 University Av. Madison, Wis. 1 P.M. Feb. 19. 1897 Dear parants + sister 5 I received your letter and money order from Juneau and also received the letter Sarah wrote + the picturs. The money came just in time I just had 90¢ left. I am going stockjudgeing this afternoon 10 and when I am throug I will go up to the post office and cash my order and also get me some caugh remidy. I have had a cald for two weeks. I have also a new boarding place 15 again. The place at Mrs. Rowe where I was last that was a club boarding place. The dairy boys left Thursday noon and so that broke up the club. I only paid $2.01 at the club for board per week The place I and 20 Koch board now is on Julia St. about two blocks away from where I room must pay $2.50 per week. This is my 4th boarding place in Madison. I received a letter from Clara Krause 25 yesterday. Streets are very muddy here snow mostly gone. I think we will have no school Monday it is Washingtons birthday 30 Now I must stop and judge a hog at the farm Answer soon again My love to all Alexander Krueger.