79. Hannah Goetsch to Alexander Krueger, January 20, 1903 [68] HANNAH GOETSCH TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, JANUARY 20, 1903 Slide 360. Cresco Iowa R. F. D. No 2 Dear Alax Jan 20th1903 5 I must let you know that I recived the pictures wich are very nice and all the toys. are anough for {twoo} more ours got quite 10 a little for Christmuss to. the weather is fine to day Otto is shoping wood Fri{t}ty FVolkmann helps him he has to work now to suport 15 his Family. she seems to be all wright as far as I know her, but time will tell we are all up and around Emma & Florence{s} have a cold 20 best regards to all I will write a letter later I will tell you more {best} thanks for the pictures H. Ge.