100. Henry Krueger to Alexander Krueger, July 16, 1915 [88] HENRY KRUEGER TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, JULY 16, 1915 Slides 429 - 430. 385 Twenty-seventh Av., Milwaukee, Wis., July 16, 1915. Dear Alex, 5 Your parents came in yesterday afternoon. This morning we went to see Dr. Bach. Dr. Bach examined your father's eyes. He said that a cataract was on his right 10 eye and another cataract is forming on his left eyes. In a short time he can't see on his left eye either. The cataract on his right eye can be removed and then he can see as 15 well as ever. We went to St. Mary's Hospital and engaged a room for a week. Your father's eye will be operated upon at 7:30 o'clock to-morrow morning. 20 Then he has to stay in bed for a day. After that he can sit up and walk about. This afternoon we will take him to the hospital in our automobile. 25 We went out riding yesterday after supper with your parents. I will write you again after the operation. Your uncle, 30 Henry Krueger.