111. Fred Dewald to Alexander Krueger, February 3, 1928 [97] FRED DEWALD TO ALEXANDER KRUEGER, FEBRUARY 3, 1928 Slides 455 - 457. Inglewood, Feb. 3rd 1928 Dear Cousins: Received your letter Tuesday. Sure were pleased to hear 5 from you. Have been wanting to write ever since our return. On arriving here, discovered that our furniture was not only water-soaked, but completly 10 destroyed by the fire. What was left of it consisted of the gas range, two iron cots, an iron bed, a wooden bed and chefferet that were scorched and retouched 15 by them that they could be used in an emergency; two trunks that were scorched but the contents were only soiled by chemical water. All we could collect from the company was $10000. We figured to replace our 20 loss will cost us over $200000. If we brought suit against them it would linger in the courts for several years and at the end we (would have) no more after settling all expenses. We rented one room in a suburb called 25 Inglewood. We are not buying any more furniture until after we build which I think will be sometime this year. With all this experience we just put off writing. 30 We had very little rain this winter although this is our rainy season but it is raining a little to-day, other wise the weather is warm. Mrs. Flerlage of Milwaukee was visiting her sister in 35 Los Angeles but left on Monday for home. Were pleased to hear all the news that we read your letter twice. We heard about Charlie Goetsch. He seemed so interested about California 40 that he gave us an address of a friend of his to look up. Ernest Wittie was quite young so that was too bad. We think Ernst and Jennie will like it in Milwaukee as it is quite 45 a nice city. Had not heard about Bill Corbett until Tuesday when we received your letter and one from Ed. Wendorf stating it. Martha remembers Lehman. 50 How do they ever expect to pay off that church with such a small membership? With best wishes to you all. Fred and Martha 622 E. Regent St. 55 Inglewood, Calif. Write soon again.