8. A.G. Fritsche to Mr. John Fritsche, November, 3, 1898 Chicago, 11-3-98 Mr. John Fritsch, Lomira, Wis. Dear Parents & Brother, 5 I am still well and we are kept quite busy at college at present. Next Sat. we are going to start dissecting and we are 10 expected to finish that within about 6 wks. My money is mostly all gone again i.e. after I have paid my room-rent for this 15 month and so I must ask you again to please send me some. About 25 or 30 dollars, I think would be enough to last till Xmas 20 vacation. But I think if you can send me about 15 or 20 dollars at present that will do for some time and then I can 25 send for some more later on. It don’t make any difference if you can [Pg. 2] send only about $15 as I don’t need so much at once 30 Send whatever you wish. The weather is very fine here this week, the best we have had for a long time. We had very much rain 35 here this Fall. To-day one of our Profs. told us we would have two weeks vacation instead of one wk. as it is given in 40 the catalogue i.e. for our Christmas vacation and so I think the vacation will begin about the 17th of Dec till the 2nd of Jan. 45 Last Sat. night was college night & about 2500 to 3000 students met down town in the central music Hall, after the exercises were over we had 50 a parade on the streets. Must close, looking to hear from you soon. With best wishes & regards to all. Yours, 55 A. G. Fritsche, 187 S. Lincoln St.