20. A.G. Fritsche to M. J.E. Fritsche, December 10, 1899 Chicago, Ill 12-10-99 M. J. Eo. Fritsche Lomira, Wis. Dear Brother, 5 As I expect to come home I thought I would hereby notify you that if you had any dirty collars and want me 10 to get them laundered for you that you want to send them down right away when you get this, as there is not 15 much time left till you sent them & get them laundered so I can get the {wools} down with my last laundry before Xmas 20 etc. etc .etc. etc. Anything else you want [Pg. 2] me to do for you let me know as for example get a work box 25 for Xmas present for Mamie or work the box probably this year So let me hear soon from you, so that 30 I may attend to your business affairs to the best of my ability. Your bro., 35 Alvin